....these are a few of my favorite things.....
1. These bottles of Seagram's VO and Smirnoff vodka were imported in 1969. They were given to me by a friend who found them with the labels still sealed in his parents attic. The vodka is actually mine and the whiskey my boyfriends who doesn't have quite the appreciation for history as I. It took less than a week for him to pop the label and take some shots.
2. I found these 19th century silhouette book ends at an estate sale for $8. It was love at first sight. . . I could have decorated my whole apartment around these two!
3. The blue skirt shown on the dress form was once a really long maternity dress. I really couldn't figure out what the designers intention for it were, so I just cut it uber short to make a high waist skirt. The length was a bit of an accident, I wish I would have kept it just a little longer, but seeing as there is no going back I just leave it on display in my living room. It's not completely unwearable so I'm sure there will eventually be some photos of me in it.
4. I hit the jackpot when I found this Ah- mazing vintage record player for just $50 at an estate sale. The speakers were closed at the sale so it took a little bit of curiousity to figure out exactly what it was. I had been searching for a great record player for months so I was ecstatic when I finally figured it out. I couldn't believe that it actually worked! The speakers are a little scratchy, but all in all it is probably my most favorite vintage items to ever pick up.
5. Our collection of records has grown to be pretty impressive. Where I spend money on clothes, my boyfriend dumps money on records and I ain't complainin'. I love listening to all the old and new artists on vinyl. Some of my favorites (just to name a few) are Panda Bear, T. Rex, Bill Withers, Grizzly Bear, Dark Was the Night, and Downriver Revival.
6. My magazine mirror almost always sparks the question, "
did you make this?" As much as I would love to claim this work of art, sadly I didn't make it... I actually ordered it about a year or two ago from Urban Outfitters.
7. This piece right here is my prized possession! It's a 50's faux skirt swimsuit that's in absolutely impeccable condition. With gold stripes and diamond studs the lady who owned this had to feel like a Hollywood star. It's no where near my size, but I just don't think I could part with it. No price seems to make me smile as much as I do every time that I look at it.
8. A local vintage store owner was holding a yard sale at her home where she sold me a bag of dresses for $15. They all needed a bit of work, zipper repairs here, hem jobs there, but really not too much work at all. In that bag was this beautiful 1930's dress. I'm no good at identifying the fabric, but I can tell you it's lightweight, sheer, and dreamy! The damage on this dress is probably more than I can repair being that it's so old. It's really no big loss since it didn't really fit anyway, so I just leave it there on display with the suit. My two most treasured vintage clothing pieces!
On another note.....I received the "One Lovely Blog Award" from Mrs. Aya of
Strawberry Koi
I just want to take a second to tell all of you how wonderful I think you are. Before I started this blog I never realized how united the blogging community really is. You ladies enlighten and inspire me everyday and I am very proud to be amongst such beautiful people. Thank you Aya for giving me this blog award, it means a lot to get recognized by such a lovely and talented lady!
To whoever started the "One Lovely Blog Award," thank you! I have discovered so many new and fabulous blogs by tracing this award, hopefully we can continue to pass it on. I'll do my part by handing it off to some of my favorite daily reads that I don't think have been recognized yet: